Terra Cafe — Brand

A classic cafe offering a wide selection of made-in-house baked goods and premium breakfast and lunch options located downtown in the historic Alexander Keith’s Brewery.

Project Ownership: Halifax Paper Hearts; Project Manager: Stephanie McDonald, Design Lead: Sarah Leeson.

Our client sought a distinctive and friendly brand identity that could shine amidst the vibrant backdrop of a bustling, historic area. It was imperative to build a brand that resonated with both the local community and discerning globetrotting visitors.

Client Objectives:
- Craft a system that embodies sophistication and ‘whimsy’.
- Convey confidence through colour and typography.
- Pay homage to the vintage charm of the space through inspired design.

Drawing from a series of collaborative brainstorming sessions and iterative processes, we crafted a logo system exuding novelty and playfulness. The result is an eye-catching brand identity that harmonizes with the architectural grandeur of its bold surroundings, serving as a beacon to draw foot traffic into the café.

Brand Identity
Logo Design

